Sunday, October 26, 2008

New Work For Acura TL

New work I shot of the 2009 Acura TL is now live at Most of the photography fills out the award-winning Interactive Showroom. It's a very interactive environment where the user can learn quite alot about the car without setting foot in the dealership. If one went through the entire showroom, it's quite possible they'd know more about the TL than alot of the people selling it.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

My Aquarium of the Pacific Panoramas Go Live

I was informed today that the new virtual tour of the exhibit, "Ocean on the Edge" at the Long Beach Aquarium of the Pacific went live today. It features one still shot and two panoramas I shot for the Aquarium.

The client loved it and I think the site looks really good showing the big panos. Maybe next time I can convince them to go full screen!

Please have a look at the exhibit virtual tour.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Recently I did some work for the Aquarium of the Pacific in Long Beach. They have installed a new exhibit called "Oceans on the Edge" and wanted to have a virtual walk-through for the web. The exhibit displays man's effects on the world's oceans as the population of humans exponentially grows. I shot shot two cyclindrical panos that will probably be linked together once they are posted on the aquarium's website.

I have to say it was a refreshing change of pace to be working on something other than a car shoot. Hopefully the aquarium will like the work and follow my suggestion of doing a full linked tour for the entire facility, which I think would be very cool.